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Plumbing Mistakes That Will Cost You Big


Homeowners know all about mistakes. No homeowner is perfect when it comes to working with or on their home. Mistakes happen no matter how carefully you plan or how considerate you are as far as the interior and exterior are concerned. Windows can break when a lamp falls or roughhousing with kids gets a little out of hand. Roofing is beaten down by the wind and rain. Railings get broken, pavement cracks or you make a mistake when you’re trying to repair something. Plumbing is a major issue for many homeowners.  Some things in your home can be tackled for a quick fix, but plumbing is an entirely different animal. Gathering up tools and knowing where to start and what to do can make the average person run in the other direction to find qualified help such as DBs Plumbing & Drain. Plumbing mistakes can have a major impact on your home and can cause a lot of damage in their wake. Here are some common mistakes to avoid at all cost.

Exposed Pipes in Winter

The cold season is finally here and that means a whole new list of things to prepare is ready. Getting your home ready for cold weather is a chore all homeowners have to handle before it gets too cold to work outside. One major issue with your home during winter is the vulnerability of your pipes. The plumbing of your home is a delicate system which can falter at a moment’s notice. One huge issue which homeowners fail to remember is making sure exposed or exterior pipes are insulated or taken care of before a cold snap. These pipes are usually lacking any major insulation. Pipes which run through cold or unheated areas of your home are also open to freezing when the weather dips. Frozen pipes are never a good thing for your home. Having frozen pipes can cause breaks or cracks which will eventually lead to flooding. If you are unsure of how to insulate your pipes then call your local certified plumber to see what needs to be done to prevent your pipes from freezing this winter.

Turning the Water Off

This is a surprising one on the list but understandable. If you are looking to make a quick fix on any plumbing in your home then turn off the water before you even tough anything related to your pipes. It seems like common knowledge but it happens more than you think. Some homeowners are confused about which shutoffs belong to which pipe system. Sometimes things aren’t labeled correctly in an older home and trying to figure out if the water is stopped in a certain area can cause a lot of stress and confusion. If you aren’t sure exactly where the various water shutoffs in your home then take a step back and call your local plumber. Another surefire way to make sure the water is finished flowing is by turning off the main water source to your home. Sometimes this source is located by road or near your home.

Not Calling a Professional Sooner

Sometimes the mistake you make when it comes to your home is not calling for professional help when you truly need it. If a pipe breaks in your home and there’s only a small amount of water dripping then it doesn’t seem like that big of an issue. Putting a bucket underneath the water is an easy fix until you get around to calling a professional, right? Not calling a professional when something happens to the plumbing in your home can cause serious damage if left untreated. Putting off calling a professional is never a good idea. A small drip can lead to a huge leak. A rusted pipe can be bad for your water. Old pipes can break without much warning. All of these are reasons to call a professional as soon as you can. Never risk leaving a mistake or break until it’s too late. Always call a reputable plumber like DBs Plumbing & Drain if you find a leak or realize that a plumbing job is too much for you to handle.

If you need professional to check out your plumbing, DBs Plumbing & Drain is here to help. Call us at (703) 457-8686 for more information.
