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In Our Office


David is the owner, operator, President, jack-of-all-trades of the company. He is a Master Plumber and helps the customer understand even the most complex plumbing issues. His office reflects his love of the ocean, his family, and most importantly, God.  David spends time in the office watching over the business and ensuring we are doing the best we possibly can through advertising, quality control, and a constant generation of new, exciting ideas.


Jennifer, as Vice President, is in charge of the finances of the business and keeps our books straight. She takes care of our payroll, taxes, and all the fun monetary workings of the business. She is a member of a local small business group, where she finds great businesses to recommend us and great small businesses for us to recommend. She is also our HR specialist and takes great care of both our team and our customers.


Rachel (me!) mans reception, greeting any visitors and answering the phone.  I also respond to the chats from our website, which is a very interesting feature. You can go on our website and chat with me real-time throughout the day, asking questions, booking appointments, or simply saying “Hi”! Feel free to contact me;  I love to assist our customers!
The office is open Monday-Friday 7-6 and Saturday 9-3, and it is our home away from home. Please feel free to come by and see us and ask any questions you may have!

Thank you for your continued business and support.  We sincerely value our customers!
