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Maintain Your Plumbing and Yourself


Is it hot enough for you? It is for us in the office and especially for our techs! We’re so excited for this heat wave to break. This week, we’ve been tackling water heaters, pressure reducing valves, and quite a few clogged toilets. We also figured out a complex problem for a medical building, where a bathroom was backing up with rainwater! We diagnosed the issue and they are on their way to never have this problem again. Coming up, we have several calls on the board and the guys are working hard to keep your plumbing functioning at 100%.

From Our President
“Regular maintenance of your home plumbing as well as the rest of your house, your vehicles, and your yard is important. But what about yourself? We all need to do our best to maintain ourselves. This means eat healthy foods (in between eating the bad ones), travel to foreign lands, contact an old friend out of the blue, or simply go for a drive in the country. Whatever it is that makes you feel like the most you can be. Remember, there is only ONE of you. Make the best you can, maintain yourself and live the most wonderful life.”
