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Employee of the Month Spotlight: Cody


We are going to take the time to highlight one of our employees every month. This month, we have chosen Cody!  Cody is a helper in the field and part-time office staff. He is very helpful, always willing to adapt and change as the company needs him.  He also has quite the sense of humor! Here is a short interview with Cody!

Q– Before working at DB’s Plumbing and Drain, what was the most unusual or interesting job you’ve ever had?

A- “Being a corpsman. I learned combat medicine, and I can use all my knowledge if there’s ever an emergency.

Q– If you could switch your job with anyone else within DB’s Plumbing and Drain, whose job would you want?

A- I would want Zack’s position. Every day is different for him, and he is at the level I would like to be at soon.”

Q- What is your favorite part about being a helper?
A- “I have Monday’s off…that’s pretty nice! I also get the opportunity to learn the trade from some great guys.”

Q– How do you define success?

A- “I define success as feeling satisfied with yourself, whatever that means to you. I feel successful always moving forward in life, learning every day.
