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It’s Finally Really Actually SPRING!


Spring is on the horizon and we all know what that means, spring fever! Does your family get out of the house and do the yard, plant some flowers, ready the garden? Or, is it to clean out the basement and the garage that got piled up with anything and everything over the winter? Either way, we all have things in common when it comes to spring, and that is change. We change our way of living, new activities, and the general way of going about our days unlike not too long ago when the weather was colder and dreary.

The same is to be said about your plumbing systems. Water and pressure can cause problems in your pipes, fixtures, and water heater. Plumbing is meant to be used frequently, and just like a car that sits idle for a lengthy period of time, it may not start back up.

Most people tend to avoid the basement in the cold winter months, as it is colder than the rest of the home. This usually means that the bathroom in the basement has most likely not been used in quite a while. Give that toilet a flush or turn on the faucet, let that old water run through the pipes for a little while. Check your valves under the cabinets and backs of toilets, they also need to be turned and used. You don’t want to find out that they don’t function when they are needed during an emergency. (YIKES!)

If you have found some of these issues to be a problem or just don’t know how to perform these tasks, call a licensed plumber like DB’s Plumbing and Drain, that can come and perform a maintenance check for your home.

Remember:  Your home is your castle and your biggest investment, you want to do what you can to keep it running smoothly and effectively.
